NYSCMA Membership

The general membership of the Association consists of Active, Associate, Cooperating, Student, Life and Honorary Members. Only Active and Associate Members shall be eligible to hold office in the Association.

Active Member: Any person who is the appointed chief executive and/or administrative officer of a New York State municipality or public authority shall be eligible for active membership.

Associate Member: Any person appointed by a CEO/CAO to a position having significant administrative responsibilities oriented to a municipal management career. Associate Members are eligible to hold office in NYSCMA.


Cooperating Member: Any person employed by a NYS municipality who has municipal management as a career objective or has attained a position in a field of specialization that qualifies them to contribute to the advancement of professional knowledge and practice of management; or is a former Active or Associate Member no longer directly involved in municipal management.

Faculty: Any person actively employed as faculty by a college or university.

Student Member: Any full-time or part-time student in public administration or public affairs at a recognized college or university who intends to follow a career in municipal government and who is not eligible for membership under any other category is eligible for student membership.

Alum Member: Any alum of a graduate MPA program, after one year, who did not enter public employment, but remains interested, or may be inclined to enter the public sector in the future.

Life Member: Any person who has retired from the field of municipal management and who was, at the time of retirement, an Active Member of the Association or its predecessors, the Municipal Management Association of New York State and the City Managers Association of New York State, is eligible for life membership.

Member in Transition: Any Active or Associate Member in transition at the time of dues renewal.

Eligibility: Eligibility in any grade of membership shall be as determined by the Executive Committee. Candidates for life membership shall be reviewed and nominated, if appropriate, annually by the nominating committee and shall be subject to the approval of a majority vote of the voting members of the Association present at the annual meeting of the Association.